Commentary on Vādanyāya by Śaṅkaranandana

Eltschinger suggests the title *Vādanyāyānusāriṇī by analogy with the titles of other commentaries by Śaṅkaranandana on Dharmakīrti’s works (Eltschinger 2006: 90). While it is not extant and no fragments have been identified so far, its existence is attested by several sources. Lho pa kun mkhyen’s biography of sa skya paṇḍita reports that the latter studied with Saṅghaśrī the Vādanyāya with two commentaries, by Śāntarakṣita and by "bram ze" – which refers to Śaṅkaranandana – and translated these works (or possibly just the Vādanyāya) (Jackson 1987: 110 and n. 42, 113). In his rtsod rigs rgyan me tog, bcom ldan ral gri declares having studied the Vādanyāya with śākya brtson ’grus, who himself had been taught the work by Dānaśīla together with a commentary by Śaṅkaranandana Hugon 2011: 129–130 and n. 69). In this work, bcom ldan ral gri cites Śaṅkaranandana’s interpretation in at least two occasions.



    • Much, Michael Torsten. 1991. Dharmakīrtis Vādanyāyaḥ. Teil I: Sanskrit-Text. VKSKSO, Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Sprachen und Kulturen Süd- und Ostasiens 25. Wien.
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    • Eltschinger, Vincent. 2008. Śaṅkaranandana’s Sarvajñasiddhi: A Preliminary Report. Mémoires de La Commission Orientaliste 1. Roma: Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente.
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    • Hugon, Pascale. 2011. “Argumentation Theory in the Early Tibetan Epistemological Tradition.” Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 34.1-2: 97–148. doi:10.2143/JIABS.34.1.3144308.
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    • Jackson, David P. 1987. The Entrance Gate for the Wise (Section III): Sa-Skya Paṇḍita on Indian and Tibetan Traditions of Pramāṇa and Philosophical Debate. Wiener Studien Zur Tibetologie Und Buddhismuskunde 17. Wien: Arbeitskreis für tibetische und buddhistische Studien Universität Wien.
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    • Krasser, Helmut. 2001. “On the Dates and Works of Śaṅkaranandana.” In Le Parole e i Marmi: Studi in Onore Di Raniero Gnoli Nel Suo 70° Compleanno, edited by Raffaele Torella, 489–508. Serie Orientale Roma 92. Roma: Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente.
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    • Eltschinger, Vincent. 2006. “Les Œuvres de Śaṅkaranandana : Nouvelles Ressources Manuscrites, Chronologie Relative et Identité Confessionnelle.” Annali Dell’Istituto Universitario Orientale Di Napoli 66 (1): 83–122.
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