Sanskrit full edition of Nyāyapraveśavṛttipañjikā

Sharma, Ranjan Kumar. 1999. Nyāyapraveśakasūtram of Ācārya-Diṅāga with Nyāyapraveśakavṛtti of Haribhadrasūri: Pañjikā of Pārśvadevagaṇi and Hindi Translation. Bibliotheca Indo Tibetica Series 43. Sarnath: Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies.
  • This relation of Sharma 1999 to the Nyāyapraveśavṛttipañjikā was added by Calahan (an editor of this site).

Notes on "Sharma 1999"

In the internal comment, I (ACM) have taken the original entry in the "source" field (from Tamboti) and placed it in the "internal comment" field in order to replace it with what is currently in the "source" field -- namely, the BibLaTeX entry that I currently see in the east.bib file. The reason why I've done this is because the, as it previously stood, it was not possible to find it as "Sharma 1999" (its tag was "Sharma n. d.".