Bibliographic Information for "Pramāṇaviniścaya: A Treatise on the Principles of Buddhist Logic by Dharmakīrti (Chos-Kyi-Grags-Pa). Transl. from the Original Sanskrit by Gźan-La-Phan-Pa-Bzaṅ-Po and Rṅog Blo-Ldan-Śes-Rab. Reproduced from Volume Ce of the Mdo Section of the Sde-Dge Bstan-’gyur 1976"

1976. Pramāṇaviniścaya: A Treatise on the Principles of Buddhist Logic by Dharmakīrti (Chos-Kyi-Grags-Pa). Transl. from the Original Sanskrit by Gźan-La-Phan-Pa-Bzaṅ-Po and Rṅog Blo-Ldan-Śes-Rab. Reproduced from Volume Ce of the Mdo Section of the Sde-Dge Bstan-’gyur. Delhi: Karmapae Chodhey.

Relations of Pramāṇaviniścaya: A Treatise on the Principles of Buddhist Logic by Dharmakīrti (Chos-Kyi-Grags-Pa). Transl. from the Original Sanskrit by Gźan-La-Phan-Pa-Bzaṅ-Po and Rṅog Blo-Ldan-Śes-Rab. Reproduced from Volume Ce of the Mdo Section of the Sde-Dge Bstan-’gyur 1976 to works in EAST

  1. Pramāṇaviniścaya: A Treatise on the Principles of Buddhist Logic by Dharmakīrti (Chos-Kyi-Grags-Pa). Transl. from the Original Sanskrit by Gźan-La-Phan-Pa-Bzaṅ-Po and Rṅog Blo-Ldan-Śes-Rab. Reproduced from Volume Ce of the Mdo Section of the Sde-Dge Bstan-’gyur 1976 is a partial edition of the PVin-t.
Bibliographic records for <i>Pramāṇaviniścaya: A Treatise on the Principles of Buddhist Logic by Dharmakīrti (Chos-Kyi-Grags-Pa). Transl. from the Original Sanskrit by Gźan-La-Phan-Pa-Bzaṅ-Po and Rṅog Blo-Ldan-Śes-Rab. Reproduced from Volume Ce of the Mdo Section of the Sde-Dge Bstan-’gyur</i> 1976
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  • @book{noauthor_pramanaviniscaya:_1976, address = {Delhi}, title = {Pramāṇaviniścaya: {A} treatise on the principles of {Buddhist} logic by {Dharmakīrti} ({Chos}-kyi-grags-pa). {Transl}. from the original {Sanskrit} by {Gźan}-la-phan-pa-bzaṅ-po and {Rṅog} {Blo}-ldan-śes-rab. {Reproduced} from volume ce of the {Mdo} section of the {Sde}-dge {Bstan}-'gyur}, language = {en-US}, publisher = {Karmapae Chodhey}, year = {1976} }