Bibliographic Information for "Gokhale 1997"

Gokhale, Pradeep P. 1997. Hetubindu of Dharmakīrti: A Point on Probans. Text and English Translation by P. P. Gokhale. Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica 183. Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications.

Relations of Gokhale 1997 to works in EAST

  1. Gokhale 1997 is a modern translation of the Hetubindu.
  2. Gokhale 1997 is a full reconstruction of the Hetubindu.
Bibliographic records for Gokhale 1997
  • <mods xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""><titleInfo><title>Hetubindu of Dharmakīrti: A Point on Probans. Text and English Translation by P. P. Gokhale</title></titleInfo><typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource><genre authority="local">book</genre><genre authority="marcgt">book</genre><name type="personal"><namePart type="family">Gokhale</namePart><namePart type="given">Pradeep P.</namePart><role><roleTerm type="code" authority="marcrelator">aut</roleTerm></role></name><originInfo><place><placeTerm type="text">Delhi</placeTerm></place><publisher>Sri Satguru Publications</publisher><copyrightDate>1997</copyrightDate><issuance>monographic</issuance></originInfo><relatedItem type="series"><titleInfo><title>Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica</title></titleInfo><part><detail type="volume"><number>183</number></detail></part></relatedItem></mods>
  • @book{gokhale_hetubindu_1997, address = {Delhi}, series = {Bibliotheca {Indo}-{Buddhica}}, title = {Hetubindu of {Dharmakīrti}: {A} {Point} on {Probans}. {Text} and {English} {Translation} by {P}. {P}. {Gokhale}}, number = {183}, publisher = {Sri Satguru Publications}, author = {Gokhale, Pradeep P.}, year = {1997}, }
  • @Book{east:28597, author = {Pradeep P. Gokhale}, date = {1997}, title = {Hetubindu of Dharmakīrti: A Point on Probans. Text and English Translation by P. P. Gokhale}, location = {Delhi}, number = {183}, publisher = {Sri Satguru Publications}, series = {Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica}, }