Nyāyamukha by Dignāga

Cf. Frauwallner 1959 pp. 87-96; Hattori 1968 p. 9 and n. 50.



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    • Katsura Shoryu. 1978. “Inmyō Shōrimonron Kenkyū [2] [*A Study of the Nyāyamukha (II)].” Hiroshima Daigaku Bungakubu Kiyō [The Hiroshima University Studies, Faculty of Letters] 38: 110–30.
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    • Katsura Shoryu. 1981. “Inmyō Shōrimonron Kenkyū [4] [*A Study of the Nyāyamukha (IV)].” Hiroshima Daigaku Bungakubu Kiyō [The Hiroshima University Studies, Faculty of Letters] 41: 62–82.
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    • Katsura Shoryu. 1982. “Inmyō Shōrimonron Kenkyū [5] [*A Study of the Nyāyamukha (V)].” Hiroshima Daigaku Bungakubu Kiyō [The Hiroshima University Studies, Faculty of Letters] 42: 82–99.
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    • Katsura Shoryu. 1984. “Inmyō Shōrimonron Kenkyū [6] [*A Study of the Nyāyamukha (VI)].” Hiroshima Daigaku Bungakubu Kiyō [The Hiroshima University Studies, Faculty of Letters] 44: 43–74.
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    • Katsura Shoryu. 1987. “Inmyō Shōrimonron Kenkyū [7] [*A Study of the Nyāyamukha (VII)].” Hiroshima Daigaku Bungakubu Kiyō [The Hiroshima University Studies, Faculty of Letters] 46: 46–65.
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    • Katsura, Shōryū. 2016. “A Report on the Study of Sanskrit Manuscript of the Pramāṇasamuccayaṭīkā Chapter 4: Recovering the Example Section of the Nyāyamukha.” Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū [*Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies] 64 (3): 1237–45.
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    • Katsura, Shōryū. 2016. “A Report on the Study of Sanskrit Manuscript of the Pramāṇasamuccayaṭīkā Chapter 4: Recovering the Example Section of the Nyāyamukha.” Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū [*Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies] 64 (3): 1237–45.
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    • Muroya, Yasutaka. 2017. “The Nyāyamukha and udghaṭitajña.” Journal of Indian Philosophy 45 (2): 281–311.
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    • Ono, Motoi. 2023. “An Attempt to Reconstruct the Sanskrit of the Verses in the Nyāyamukha’s jāti Section.” In Burlesque of the Philosophers: Indian and Buddhist Studies in Memory of Helmut Krasser, Part II, edited by Vincent Eltschinger, Jowita Kramer, Parimal Patil, and Chizuko Yoshimizu, 504–28. Bochum/Freiburg: Projektverlag.
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    • Muroya, Yasutaka. 2017. “The Nyāyamukha and udghaṭitajña.” Journal of Indian Philosophy 45 (2): 281–311.
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    • Katsura Shoryu. 1977. “Inmyō Shōrimonron Kenkyū [1] [*A Study of the Nyāyamukha (I)].” Hiroshima Daigaku Bungakubu Kiyō [The Hiroshima University Studies, Faculty of Letters] 37: 106–26.
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    • Katsura Shoryu. 1978. “Inmyō Shōrimonron Kenkyū [2] [*A Study of the Nyāyamukha (II)].” Hiroshima Daigaku Bungakubu Kiyō [The Hiroshima University Studies, Faculty of Letters] 38: 110–30.
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    • Katsura Shoryu. 1979. “Inmyō Shōrimonron Kenkyū [3] [*A Study of the Nyāyamukha (III)].” Hiroshima Daigaku Bungakubu Kiyō [The Hiroshima University Studies, Faculty of Letters] 39: 63–82.
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    • Katsura Shoryu. 1981. “Inmyō Shōrimonron Kenkyū [4] [*A Study of the Nyāyamukha (IV)].” Hiroshima Daigaku Bungakubu Kiyō [The Hiroshima University Studies, Faculty of Letters] 41: 62–82.
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    • Katsura Shoryu. 1982. “Inmyō Shōrimonron Kenkyū [5] [*A Study of the Nyāyamukha (V)].” Hiroshima Daigaku Bungakubu Kiyō [The Hiroshima University Studies, Faculty of Letters] 42: 82–99.
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    • Katsura Shoryu. 1984. “Inmyō Shōrimonron Kenkyū [6] [*A Study of the Nyāyamukha (VI)].” Hiroshima Daigaku Bungakubu Kiyō [The Hiroshima University Studies, Faculty of Letters] 44: 43–74.
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    • Katsura Shoryu. 1987. “Inmyō Shōrimonron Kenkyū [7] [*A Study of the Nyāyamukha (VII)].” Hiroshima Daigaku Bungakubu Kiyō [The Hiroshima University Studies, Faculty of Letters] 46: 46–65.
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    • Ono, Motoi. 2020. “The Importance of the Pramāṇasamuccayaṭīkā Manuscript for Research on the Buddhist Vāda Tradition.” In Sanskrit Manuscripts in China III, edited by Birgit Kellner, Xuezhu Li, and Jowita Kramer, 289–330. Beijing: China Tibetology Publishing House.
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    • Watanabe, Toshikazu. 2020. “On the Concept of Nyūna in Dignāga’s Theory of Fallacy.” In Transmission and Transformation of Buddhist Logic and Epistemology in East Asia, edited by Shinya Moriyama, 151–79. Wiener Studien Zur Tibetologie Und Buddhismuskunde 97. Wien: Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien Universität Wien.
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