Commentary on Nyāyabindu by Śāntabhadra

According to Funayama 2001 p. 318f, Śāntabhadra's commentary on the Nyāyabindu is considered to have shared much with Vinītadeva's Nyāyabinduṭīkā, and this might also be taken to suggest a proximity of their lifetimes. Funayama 2001 further demonstrates that Śāntabhadra's view on mānasapratyakṣa, from a Sautrāntika standpoint, is similar to that of Jñānagarbha. However, the identity of Jñānagarbha as well as his chronological relationship to Śāntabhadra remain unclear.



    • Funayama, Toru. 2001. “On the Date of Vinītadeva.” In Le Parole e i Marmi: Studi in Onore Di Raniero Gnoli Nel Suo 70° Compleanno, edited by Raffaele Torella, 309–25. Serie Orientale Roma 92. Roma: Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente.
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