rigs thigs 'grel pa'i don bsdus by rngog blo ldan shes rab

Concise guide to the NBṬ (Dh), identified in its colophon as "bam po lnga pa'i bshad pa." The “five bam pos” refer to the length of the Tibetan translation of the NBṬ. This way of referring to the NBṬ is attested in the catalogue by bcom ldan ral gri compiled in 1270, which lists, after "rigs thigs bam po gcig" (=NB), "de’i ’grel pa chos mchog bam po lnga" (“its commentary, the five bam pos (by) Dharmottara”) (see Schaeffer and Kuijp 2009: 189, item 19.4). "The text takes up the NBṬ portion by portion; each portion is delineated by the mention of the first and/or last word(s) in the Tibetan translation. These portions are presented linearly, but organized into a hierarchical structure by means of successive subdivisions. The delineated portions of the source text are summarized and/or paraphrased, and their content is explained in more or less details. Some are the occasion of longer excursuses. In some cases also the author expresses his disagreement with Dharmottara and presents his own understanding of the topic." (Hugon 2014: 197)



    • rNgog Blo ldan shes rab. 2006. “Tshad Ma Rnam Nges Kyi Bsdus Don.” In BKaʼ Gdams Gsung ʼbum Phyogs Bsgrigs Thengs Dang Po, edited by dpal brtsegs bod yig dpe rnying zhib ’jug khang, 1:369–409. Khreng tu’u: Si khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang.
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    • rNgog Blo ldan shes rab. 2009. “Mtshan Nyid Kyi Chos Zhes Bya Ba Tshad Ma Rnam Nges Kyi Bsdus Don.” In Rngog Lo TsA Ba Blo Ldan Shes Rab Kyi Gsung Chos Skor, Par thengs 1, 1–52. Bkaʼ Gdams Dpe Dkon Gces Btus 3. Beijing: Krung go bod rig pa dpe skrun khang.
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    • Hugon, Pascale. 2014. “Tracing the Early Developments of Tibetan Epistemological Categories in RNgog Blo Ldan Shes Rab’s (1059–1109) Concise Guide to the Nyāyabinduṭīkā.” Journal of Tibetology/Bod Rig Pa’i Dus Deb/Zangxue Xuekan 9: 194–234.
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    • Nishizawa, Fumihito. 2012. “Hi Ninshiki Shudan no Chi no Kigen ni kansuru Ichi Kōsatsu [On the Origin of Non-valid Cognitions (tshad min gyi blo)].” Indo Tetsugaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū [Studies of Indian Philosophy and Buddhism] 19: 105–18. https://repository.dl.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/records/36992.
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