Pramāṇasamuccayavṛtti by Dignāga

Cf. Hattori 1968 pp. 12-19.



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    • Kataoka Kei. 2016. “Tadvat to Apohavat: Genteikankei Wo Meguru Dignāga to Kumārila No Ichi Giron [*Tadvat and Apohavat: Dignāga and Kumārila on Viśeṣaṇaviśeṣyatva].” Minamiajia Kotengaku [*South Asian Classical Studies] 11: 49–74.
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    • Watanabe Toshikazu. 2008. “Dignāga to Sāṅkhya Gakuha Tono Ronsō: Pradhāna No Sonzai Ronshō Wo Megutte [*A Controversy between Dignāga and the Sāṅkhya over the Existence of Pradhāna].” Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū [*Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies] 57 (1): 291–95.
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    • 1988. “gtan tshigs kyi ’khor lo gtan la dbab pa.” In tshad ma rigs pa’i skor rgya gzhung rtsa ’grel bdam bsgrigs: deb dang po. rdo rje rgyal pos bdam bsgrigs byas pa, 1:210–11. pe cin: mi rigs dpe skrun khang.
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