English partial translation of tshad ma rnam par nges pa'i 'grel bshad shes rab kyi 'od zer, F. 23b4-24a9

Hugon, Pascale. 2016. “Can one be a Mādhyamika, a Crypto-Vaibhāṣika, and a Faithful Interpreter of Dharmakīrti? On Phya pa Chos kyi seng ge’s Doxographical Divisions and his own Philosophical Standpoint.” Journal of Tibetology / Zangxue xuekan / Bod rig pa’i dus deb 15: 51–153. https://www.academia.edu/37786811/Can_one_be_a_M%C4%81dhyamika_a_Crypto_Vaibh%C4%81%E1%B9%A3ika_and_a_Faithful_Interpreter_of_Dharmak%C4%ABrti_On_Phya_pa_Chos_kyi_seng_ges_Doxographical_Divisions_and_his_own_Philosophical_Standpoint_Journal_of_Tibetology_15_2016_51_153.