English discussion of tshad ma rnam par nges pa'i 'grel bshad shes rab kyi 'od zer

Hugon, Pascale. 2020. “Universals, Demons’ Pots, and Demons’ Permanent Pots: Phya Pa Chos Kyi Seng Ge on Unestablished Subjects in Arguments by Consequence.” In Reverberations of Dharmakīrti’s Philosophy, edited by Birgit Kellner, Patrick McAllister, Horst Lasic, and Sara McClintock, 129–53. Beiträge Zur Kultur- Und Geistesgeschichte Asiens 104. Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press.

Relations of Hugon 2020 to works in EAST

  1. Hugon 2020 discusses the rnam nges shes rab 'od zer.
  2. Hugon 2020 discusses the Pramāṇaviniścaya.