English discussion of tshad ma rnam par nges pa'i 'grel bshad shes rab kyi 'od zer

Hugon, Pascale. 2004. “Interpretations of the trairūpya in Tibet.” Hōrin: Vergleichende Studien zur japanischen Kultur 11: 95–117. https://www.iudicium.de/katalog/520-0.htm.

Note on the discussion of tshad ma rnam par nges pa'i 'grel bshad shes rab kyi 'od zer in Hugon 2004

This article discusses Phya pa's understanding of the three characteristics of a correct logical reason in inference.

Relations of Hugon 2004 to works in EAST

  1. Hugon 2004 discusses the yid kyi mun sel.
  2. Hugon 2004 discusses the rnam nges shes rab 'od zer.