Japanese discussion of tshad ma yid kyi mun sel
Nishizawa, Fumihito. 2014. “Chibetto ni okeru Tasha Haijo (anyāpoha) Ron no Keisei to Tenkai: 11–12 Seiki gSang phu Kei Ronrigaku no Denshō o Chūshin toshite [The Formation and Development of Anyāpoha Theory in Tibet: With Reference to the gSang phu Scholastic Tradition of Pramāṇa in the 11th to 12th Centuries].” Indo Ronrigaku Kenkyū [Indian Logic] 7: 227–82.
- This relation of Nishizawa 2014 to the tshad ma yid kyi mun sel was added by Pascale Hugon (an editor of this site).
Relations of Nishizawa 2014 to works in EAST
- Nishizawa 2014 discusses the yid kyi mun sel.
- Nishizawa 2014 discusses the rnam nges shes rab 'od zer.