Japanese discussion of tshad ma yid kyi mun sel

Nishizawa, Fumihito. 2011. “Chibetto Bukkyō Ronrigaku no Keisei to Tenkai: Ninshiki Shudan Ron no Rekishiteki Hensen o Chūshin toshite [The Formation and Development of Tibetan Buddhist Logic: With Reference to the Historical Transition of Pramāṇa Theory].” Tokyo: University of Tokyo.
  • This relation of Nishizawa 2011 to the tshad ma yid kyi mun sel was added by Pascale Hugon (an editor of this site).

Notes on "Nishizawa 2011"

Unpublished doctoral thesis.

Relations of Nishizawa 2011 to works in EAST

  1. Nishizawa 2011 is a partial modern translation of the yid kyi mun sel.
  2. Nishizawa 2011 discusses the yid kyi mun sel.
  3. Nishizawa 2011 is a partial edition of the yid kyi mun sel.