English partial translation of tshad ma yid kyi mun sel, F. 1b9-2a1, 2b1-6, 3a5-6, 3a7-9, 7a7-8

Werner, Eric. 2014. “Phywa-pa Chos-kyi-seng-ge’s (1109–1169) Depiction of Mahāyāna Philosophy: A Critical Edition and Annotated Translation of the Chapters on Yogācāra and Mādhyamaka Philosophy from the gZhung lugs rnam ’byed, a Doxography of the Twelfth Century.” Hamburg: Universität Hamburg.

Notes on "Werner 2014"

Unpublished MA thesis.

Relations of Werner 2014 to works in EAST

  1. Werner 2014 is a partial edition of the yid kyi mun sel.
  2. Werner 2014 is a partial modern translation of the yid kyi mun sel.