Tibetan translation of Tarkasopāna
Dorjee, Penpa. 1994. Ācārya Vidyākaraśāntiviracitam Tarkasopānam Tarkasopānam Slob Dpon Rig Pa’i ’byung Gnas Zhi Bas Mdzad Pa’i Rtog Ge’e Them Skas. Translated by Penpa Dorjee. Bibliotheca Indo-Tibetica Series 28. Saranath, Varanasi: Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies.
- This relation of Dorjee 1994 to the Tarkasopāna was added by Calahan Morse (an editor of this site).
Note on the translation of Tarkasopāna in Dorjee 1994
This might contain a Sanskrit edition as well.