Sanskrit full edition of Tarkabhāṣā
Singh, B. N. 1985. Bauddha-Tarkabhasa of Moksakaragupta: With Vipanchitartha Comm. of Acharya Shantarakshita, with Hindi Tr. by D. D. Shastri and Sambandhapariksa of Acharya Dharmakirtti with Comm. of Prabhachandra, Ed. Swami D. D. Shastri. Edited & Translated with Exhaustive Notes. Varanasi: Asha Prakashan.
Relations of Singh 1985 to works in EAST
- Singh 1985 is a modern translation of the Tarkabhāṣā.
- Singh 1985 is a full edition of the Tarkabhāṣā.
Bibliographic records for Singh 1985
<mods xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" ID="uuid-207eacb5-d022-45e7-97c2-00f917e2c3d9" version="3.4" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <titleInfo> <title>Bauddha-Tarkabhasa of Moksakaragupta</title> <subTitle>with Vipanchitartha comm. of Acharya Shantarakshita, with Hindi tr. by D. D. Shastri and Sambandhapariksa of Acharya Dharmakirtti with comm. of Prabhachandra, ed. Swami D. D. Shastri. Edited & Translated with Exhaustive Notes</subTitle> </titleInfo> <name type="personal"> <namePart type="given">B.</namePart> <namePart type="given">N.</namePart> <namePart type="family">Singh</namePart> </name> <originInfo> <place> <placeTerm type="text">Varanasi</placeTerm> </place> <dateIssued encoding="w3cdtf">1985</dateIssued> <issuance>monographic</issuance> <publisher>Asha Prakashan</publisher> </originInfo> <physicalDescription> <extent>134, 2 p.</extent> </physicalDescription> <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource> <genre>book</genre> <language> <languageTerm authority="rfc3066" type="code">en-US</languageTerm> <scriptTerm authority="iso15924" type="code">Latn</scriptTerm> </language> <recordInfo lang="eng" script="Latn"> <recordContentSource authority="marcorg">DE-16-158</recordContentSource> <recordCreationDate encoding="w3cdtf">2011-04-22+02:00</recordCreationDate> <languageOfCataloging> <languageTerm authority="iso639-2b" type="code">eng</languageTerm> <scriptTerm authority="iso15924" type="code">Latn</scriptTerm> </languageOfCataloging> </recordInfo> <extension> <ext:template xmlns:ext="">monograph-latin</ext:template> </extension> </mods>
@book{singh_bauddha-tarkabhasa_1985, address = {Varanasi}, title = {Bauddha-{Tarkabhasa} of {Moksakaragupta}: with {Vipanchitartha} comm. of {Acharya} {Shantarakshita}, with {Hindi} tr. by {D}. {D}. {Shastri} and {Sambandhapariksa} of {Acharya} {Dharmakirtti} with comm. of {Prabhachandra}, ed. {Swami} {D}. {D}. {Shastri}. {Edited} \& {Translated} with {Exhaustive} {Notes}}, language = {en-US}, publisher = {Asha Prakashan}, author = {Singh, B. N.}, year = {1985}, keywords = {{\textasciitilde}east{\textasciitilde}genre{\textasciitilde}book{\textasciitilde}-{\textasciitilde}} }