Japanese translation of *Upāyahṛdayaśāstra (*Prayogasāraśāstra)

Ui, Hakuju. 1925. “Hōbenshinron No Chūshakuteki-Kenkyū [*An Annotated Study of the Upāyahṛdaya].” In Indo Tetsugaku Kenkyū 2 [*Studies of Indian Philosophy 2], 425–72. Tōkyō: Kōshisha Shobō.
  • This relation of Ui 1925 to the *Upāyahṛdayaśāstra (*Prayogasāraśāstra) was added from an external source.

Note on the translation of *Upāyahṛdayaśāstra (*Prayogasāraśāstra) in Ui 1925

on p. 427ff

Relations of Ui 1925 to works in EAST

  1. Ui 1925 is a modern translation of the *Upāyahṛdayaśāstra (*Prayogasāraśāstra).
  2. Ui 1925 is a full edition of the UHŚ-c.