Sanskrit partial edition of Apohaprakaraṇa

Ishida Hisataka. 2014. “Dharmottara Cho ‘Apohaprakaraṇa’ No Bōtōge Ni Tsuite [*The Introductory Verse of Dharmottara’s Apohaprakaraṇa].” In Okuda Shōō Sensei shōju kinen Indogaku Bukkyōgaku ronshū [Indian and Buddhist Studies in Honor of President Dr. Shouou (Kiyoaki) Okuda in Recognition of His Lifelong Scholarship], edited by Kankōkai Okuda Shōō Sensei Shōju Kinen Ronshū, 783–92. Tōkyō: Kabushiki Kaisha Kōsei Shuppansha.
  • This relation of Ishida 2014 to the Apohaprakaraṇa was added by Pei-Lin Chiou (an editor of this site).

Relations of Ishida 2014 to works in EAST

  1. Ishida 2014 is a partial edition of the Apohaprakaraṇa.
  2. Ishida 2014 is a partial modern translation of the Apohaprakaraṇa.