Bāhyārthasiddhikārikā by Śubhagupta



    • Hattori, Masaaki. 1960. “Bāhyārthasiddhikārikā of Śubhagupta.” Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū [*Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies] 8 (1): 400–395.
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    • Matsumoto Shirō. 1980. “Sahôpalambha-niyama.” Sōtōshū Kenkyūin Kenkyūsei Kenkyū Kiyō 12: 298–265.
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    • Mikogami Eshō. 1982. “Śubhagupta no jikke (vāsanā) riron hihan [*Śubhagupta’s criticism of the vāsanā doctrine].” Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū [*Studies in Buddhism] 38: 28–51.
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    • Mikogami, Eshō. 1986. “Śubhagupta No Bāhyārthasiddhikārikā: Disputes between Realists and the Vijñānāvādins.” 龍谷大学論集 [*Journal of Ryūkoku University] 429: 2–44.
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    • Watanabe, Shigeaki. 1987. “Śubhagupta’s Sarvajñasiddhikārikā.” Naritasan Bukkyō Kenkyūjo Kiyō [Journal of Naritasan Institute of Buddhist Studies] 10: 55–74.
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    • Saccone, Margherita Serena. 2018. On the Nature of Things: A Buddhist Debate on Cognitions and Their Object. Wiener Studien Zur Tibetologie Und Buddhismuskunde 94. Wien: Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien Universität Wien.
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    • Shastri, N. A. 1967. “Bahyartha Siddhi Karika.” Bulletin of Tibetology 4 (2): 1–96.
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    • Matsumoto Shirō. 1980. “Sahôpalambha-niyama.” Sōtōshū Kenkyūin Kenkyūsei Kenkyū Kiyō 12: 298–265.
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    • Mikogami, Eshō. 1989. “Śubhagupta’s Criticism of the Vāsanā Theory: Disputes between Realists and the Vijñānāvādins.” 龍谷大学論集 [*Journal of Ryūkoku University] 434–435: 31–46.
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    • Mimaki, Katsumi. 1987/1988. “Bāhyārthasiddhikārikā kk. 59-60 de Śubhagupta.” Indologica Taurinensia 14: 275–83.
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    • Mikogami Eshō. 1982. “Śubhagupta no jikke (vāsanā) riron hihan [*Śubhagupta’s criticism of the vāsanā doctrine].” Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū [*Studies in Buddhism] 38: 28–51.
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    • Mikogami Eshō. 1983. “Śubhagupta no gokumi setsu no yōgo [*Śubhagupta’s defense of atomic theory].” Ryūkoku Daigaku Bukkyō Bunka Kenkyūsho Kiyō 22: 1–17.
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    • Mikogami Eshō. 1987. “Śubhagupta ni yuishiki setstu hihan: ninshiki taishō (ālambana) o megutte [*Śubhagupta’s criticism of the Vijñaptimātratā doctrine: on the object of cognition (ālambana)].” Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū [*Studies in Buddhism] 43: 481–460.
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    • Mimaki Katsumi. 1989. “Śubhagupta no ‘Gaikai Jōju Ge’ dai 59-60 ge [*Śubhagupta’s Bāhyārthasiddhikārika kk. 59-60].” In Indo tetsugaku bukkyō: Fujita Kōtatsu hakase kanreki kinen ronshū, 341–54. Kyōto: Heirakuji.
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    • Mao, Yufan. 2022. “Saṅghabhadra’s and Śubhagupta’s Defence of Atomism, Their Similarities and Differences.” Journal of Indian Philosophy 50 (3): 469–89.
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    • Saccone, Margherita Serena. 2014. “Śubhagupta on the Cognitive Process.” Journal of Indian Philosophy 42 (2–3): 377–99.
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    • Saccone, Margherita Serena. 2015. “The Conception of Atoms as Substantially Existing in Śubhagupta.” Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 38: 107–37.
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    • Saccone, Margherita Serena. 2018. On the Nature of Things: A Buddhist Debate on Cognitions and Their Object. Wiener Studien Zur Tibetologie Und Buddhismuskunde 94. Wien: Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien Universität Wien.
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