Tibetan full edition of dbang phyug 'jig pa'i tshig le'ur byas pa

Watanabe 渡辺 Shigeaki 重朗. 1977. “Bukkyō ronrigakuha no hashin ron: Śubhagupta to Śāntarakṣita no baai [*The refutation of the Īśvara doctrine by the Buddhist school of logic: the case of Śubhagupta and Śāntarakṣita].” 密教学 [Mikkyōgaku], 579–93.

Relations of Watanabe 渡辺 1977 to works in EAST

  1. Watanabe 渡辺 1977 is a modern translation of the Īśvarabhaṅgakārikā.
  2. Watanabe 渡辺 1977 is a full edition of the ĪBhK-t.
  3. Watanabe 渡辺 1977 is a partial modern translation of the Tattvasaṅgraha.
  4. Watanabe 渡辺 1977 is a partial modern translation of the Tattvasaṅgrahapañjikā.
Bibliographic records for Watanabe 渡辺 1977
  • <mods xmlns="http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"><titleInfo><title>Bukkyō ronrigakuha no hashin ron: Śubhagupta to Śāntarakṣita no baai [*The refutation of the Īśvara doctrine by the Buddhist school of logic: the case of Śubhagupta and Śāntarakṣita]</title></titleInfo><typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource><genre authority="local">journalArticle</genre><name type="personal"><namePart type="family">Watanabe 渡辺</namePart><namePart type="given">Shigeaki 重朗</namePart><role><roleTerm type="code" authority="marcrelator">aut</roleTerm></role></name><language><languageTerm type="text">ja-JP</languageTerm></language><relatedItem type="host"><genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre><part><extent unit="pages"><start>579</start><end>593</end></extent></part><originInfo><dateIssued>1977</dateIssued><issuance>continuing</issuance></originInfo><titleInfo><title>密教学 [Mikkyōgaku]</title></titleInfo></relatedItem></mods>
  • @article{watanabe__bukkyo_1977, title = {Bukkyō ronrigakuha no hashin ron: Śubhagupta to Śāntarakṣita no baai [*{The} refutation of the Īśvara doctrine by the {Buddhist} school of logic: the case of Śubhagupta and Śāntarakṣita]}, language = {ja-JP}, journal = {密教学 [Mikkyōgaku]}, author = {Watanabe 渡辺, Shigeaki 重朗}, year = {1977}, pages = {579--593} }