Bibliographic Information for "“rgyud gzhan grub pa zhes bya ba’i rab tu byed pa” 1988"

1988. “rgyud gzhan grub pa zhes bya ba’i rab tu byed pa.” In tshad ma rigs pa’i skor rgya gzhung rtsa ’grel bdam bsgrigs: deb dang po. rdo rje rgyal pos bdam bsgrigs byas pa, 1:575–83. pe cin: mi rigs dpe skrun khang.

Relations of “rgyud gzhan grub pa zhes bya ba’i rab tu byed pa” 1988 to works in EAST

  1. “rgyud gzhan grub pa zhes bya ba’i rab tu byed pa” 1988 is a full edition of the SAS-t.
Bibliographic records for “rgyud gzhan grub pa zhes bya ba’i rab tu byed pa” 1988
  • <mods xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" ID="uuid-4c37f948-d76b-4ac6-be56-eb16c2a71863" version="3.4" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <titleInfo lang="tib" transliteration="tibetan/ewts"> <title>rgyud gzhan grub pa zhes bya ba'i rab tu byed pa</title> </titleInfo> <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource> <relatedItem xmlns:xlink="" type="host" xlink:href="#uuid-d1456bf6-3048-4a2b-bac9-92828dbadaf2"> <extension> <ext:template xmlns:ext="">suebs-tibetan</ext:template> <ext:modified xmlns:ext=""> <ext:when>2012-08-01T12:15:22.596+02:00</ext:when> <ext:who></ext:who> </ext:modified> </extension> <originInfo> <place> <placeTerm transliteration="tibetan/ewts" type="text">pe cin</placeTerm> </place> <dateIssued encoding="w3cdtf">1988</dateIssued> <publisher transliteration="tibetan/ewts">mi rigs dpe skrun khang</publisher> <issuance>monographic</issuance> </originInfo> <titleInfo lang="tib" transliteration="tibetan/ewts"> <title>tshad ma rigs pa'i skor rgya gzhung rtsa 'grel bdam bsgrigs</title> <subTitle>deb dang po. rdo rje rgyal pos bdam bsgrigs byas pa</subTitle> </titleInfo> <recordInfo lang="eng" script="Latn"> <recordContentSource authority="marcorg">de-16-158</recordContentSource> <recordCreationDate encoding="w3cdtf">2011-02-06+01:00</recordCreationDate> <languageOfCataloging> <languageTerm authority="iso639-2b" type="code">eng</languageTerm> <scriptTerm authority="iso15924" type="code">latn</scriptTerm> </languageOfCataloging> </recordInfo> <language> <languageTerm authority="rfc3066" type="code">bo</languageTerm> <scriptTerm authority="iso15924" type="code">tibt</scriptTerm> </language> <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource> <part> <detail type="volume"> <caption>vol.</caption> <number>1</number> </detail> <extent unit="pages"> <start>575</start> <end>583</end> </extent> </part> </relatedItem> <language> <languageTerm authority="rfc3066" type="code">bo</languageTerm> <scriptTerm authority="iso15924" type="code">tibt</scriptTerm> </language> <recordInfo lang="eng" script="Latn"> <recordContentSource authority="marcorg">de-16-158</recordContentSource> <recordCreationDate encoding="w3cdtf">2011-02-13+01:00</recordCreationDate> <languageOfCataloging> <languageTerm authority="iso639-2b" type="code">eng</languageTerm> <scriptTerm authority="iso15924" type="code">latn</scriptTerm> </languageOfCataloging> </recordInfo> <extension> <ext:template xmlns:ext="">suebs-tibetan</ext:template> </extension> </mods>
  • @incollection{noauthor_rgyud_1988, address = {pe cin}, title = {rgyud gzhan grub pa zhes bya ba'i rab tu byed pa}, volume = {1}, language = {bo}, booktitle = {tshad ma rigs pa'i skor rgya gzhung rtsa 'grel bdam bsgrigs: deb dang po. rdo rje rgyal pos bdam bsgrigs byas pa}, publisher = {mi rigs dpe skrun khang}, year = {1988}, pages = {575--583} }