Bibliographic Information for "za hor mkhas pa bodhisattva Śāntarakṣita and Dharmāloka Dharmāśoka, trans. 763"
za hor mkhas pa bodhisattva Śāntarakṣita, and Dharmāloka Dharmāśoka, trans. 763. gtan tshigs kyi ’khor lo gtan la dbab pa. snar thang 3699 ce 193b–194b; sde dge 4209 ce 93a1–93a7; co ne ce 92b6–93a7; Peking 5708 ce 189a7–189b8.
Relations of za hor mkhas pa bodhisattva Śāntarakṣita and Dharmāloka Dharmāśoka, trans. 763 to works in EAST
- za hor mkhas pa bodhisattva Śāntarakṣita and Dharmāloka Dharmāśoka, trans. 763 is a full edition of the HCḌ A-t.
Bibliographic records for za hor mkhas pa bodhisattva Śāntarakṣita and Dharmāloka Dharmāśoka, trans. 763
<mods xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""><titleInfo><title>gtan tshigs kyi 'khor lo gtan la dbab pa</title></titleInfo><typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource><genre authority="local">book</genre><genre authority="marcgt">book</genre><name type="corporate"><namePart>za hor mkhas pa bodhisattva Śāntarakṣita</namePart><role><roleTerm type="code" authority="marcrelator">trl</roleTerm></role></name><name type="corporate"><namePart>Dharmāloka Dharmāśoka</namePart><role><roleTerm type="code" authority="marcrelator">trl</roleTerm></role></name><originInfo><copyrightDate>763</copyrightDate><issuance>monographic</issuance></originInfo><subject><topic>canonical</topic></subject><language><languageTerm type="text">bo</languageTerm></language><relatedItem type="series"><titleInfo><title>snar thang 3699 ce 193b–194b; sde dge 4209 ce 93a1–93a7; co ne ce 92b6–93a7; Peking 5708 ce 189a7–189b8</title></titleInfo></relatedItem></mods>
@book{za_hor_mkhas_pa_bodhisattva_santaraksita_gtan_763, series = {snar thang 3699 ce 193b–194b; sde dge 4209 ce 93a1–93a7; co ne ce 92b6–93a7; {Peking} 5708 ce 189a7–189b8}, title = {gtan tshigs kyi 'khor lo gtan la dbab pa}, language = {bo}, translator = {{za hor mkhas pa bodhisattva Śāntarakṣita} and {Dharmāloka Dharmāśoka}}, year = {763}, keywords = {canonical} }