Bibliographic Information for "Nishizawa 2010"

Nishizawa, Fumihito (西沢 史仁). 2010. “チャパ・チューキセンゲの認識手段論 — 認識手段の定義をめぐって — [The Pramāṇa Theory of Phya pa chos kyi seng ge— With Reference to his Interpretation of the Definition of Pramāṇa].” Report of the Japanese Association for Tibetan Studies / Nihon Chibetto Gakkai kaihō (日本西蔵学会会報) 56: 61–75.

Relations of Nishizawa 2010 to works in EAST

  1. Nishizawa 2010 discusses the yid kyi mun sel.
  2. Nishizawa 2010 discusses the rnam nges shes rab 'od zer.
Bibliographic records for Nishizawa 2010
  • <mods xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""><titleInfo><title>チャパ・チューキセンゲの認識手段論 — 認識手段の定義をめぐって — [The Pramāṇa Theory of Phya pa chos kyi seng ge— With Reference to his Interpretation of the Definition of &lt;i&gt;Pramāṇa&lt;/i&gt;]</title></titleInfo><typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource><genre authority="local">journalArticle</genre><name type="personal"><namePart type="family">Nishizawa</namePart><namePart type="given">Fumihito (西沢 史仁)</namePart><role><roleTerm type="code" authority="marcrelator">aut</roleTerm></role></name><location><url usage="primary display"></url></location><subject><topic>Phyapa Website</topic></subject><relatedItem type="host"><genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre><part><detail type="volume"><number>56</number></detail><extent unit="pages"><start>61</start><end>75</end></extent></part><originInfo><dateIssued>2010</dateIssued><issuance>continuing</issuance></originInfo><titleInfo><title>Report of the Japanese Association for Tibetan Studies / Nihon Chibetto Gakkai kaihō (日本西蔵学会会報)</title></titleInfo></relatedItem></mods>
  • @article{nishizawa__2010, title = {チャパ・チューキセンゲの認識手段論 — 認識手段の定義をめぐって — [{The} {Pramāṇa} {Theory} of {Phya} pa chos kyi seng ge— {With} {Reference} to his {Interpretation} of the {Definition} of \textit{{Pramāṇa}}]}, volume = {56}, url = {}, journal = {Report of the Japanese Association for Tibetan Studies / Nihon Chibetto Gakkai kaihō (日本西蔵学会会報)}, author = {Nishizawa, Fumihito (西沢 史仁)}, year = {2010}, keywords = {Phyapa Website}, pages = {61--75}, }
  • @article{nishizawa__2010, title = {チャパ・チューキセンゲの認識手段論 — 認識手段の定義をめぐって — [The Pramāṇa Theory of Phya pa chos kyi seng ge— With Reference to his Interpretation of the Definition of \textit{Pramāṇa}]}, volume = {56}, url = {}, pages = {61--75}, journaltitle = {Report of the Japanese Association for Tibetan Studies / Nihon Chibetto Gakkai kaihō (日本西蔵学会会報)}, author = {Nishizawa, Fumihito (西沢 史仁)}, date = {2010}, keywords = {Phyapa Website}, }