Bibliographic Information for "Nishizawa 2014"

Nishizawa, Fumihito (西沢 史仁). 2014. “チベットにおける他者排除(anyāpoha)論の形成と展開 : 11-12 世紀サンプ系論理学の伝承を中心として — [The Formation and Development of Anyāpoha Theory in Tibet: With Reference to the gSang phu Scholastic Tradition of Pramāṇa in the 11th to 12th Centuries].” Indian Logic / インド論理学研究 (Indo-Ronrigaku-Kenkyū) 7: 227–82.

Relations of Nishizawa 2014 to works in EAST

  1. Nishizawa 2014 discusses the yid kyi mun sel.
  2. Nishizawa 2014 discusses the rnam nges shes rab 'od zer.
Bibliographic records for Nishizawa 2014
  • <mods xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""><titleInfo><title>チベットにおける他者排除(&lt;i&gt;anyāpoha&lt;/i&gt;)論の形成と展開 : 11-12 世紀サンプ系論理学の伝承を中心として — [The Formation and Development of &lt;i&gt;Anyāpoha&lt;/i&gt; Theory in Tibet: With Reference to the gSang phu Scholastic Tradition of Pramāṇa in the 11th to 12th Centuries]</title></titleInfo><typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource><genre authority="local">journalArticle</genre><name type="personal"><namePart type="family">Nishizawa</namePart><namePart type="given">Fumihito (西沢 史仁)</namePart><role><roleTerm type="code" authority="marcrelator">aut</roleTerm></role></name><location><url usage="primary display">;usid=212141&amp;a=</url></location><subject><topic>Phyapa Website</topic></subject><relatedItem type="host"><genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre><part><detail type="volume"><number>7</number></detail><extent unit="pages"><start>227</start><end>282</end></extent></part><originInfo><dateIssued>2014</dateIssued><issuance>continuing</issuance></originInfo><identifier type="issn">1884-7382</identifier><titleInfo><title>Indian Logic / インド論理学研究 (Indo-Ronrigaku-Kenkyū)</title></titleInfo></relatedItem></mods>
  • @article{nishizawa_anyapoha_2014, title = {チベットにおける他者排除(\textit{anyāpoha})論の形成と展開 : 11-12 世紀サンプ系論理学の伝承を中心として — [{The} {Formation} and {Development} of \textit{{Anyāpoha}} {Theory} in {Tibet}: {With} {Reference} to the {gSang} phu {Scholastic} {Tradition} of {Pramāṇa} in the 11th to 12th {Centuries}]}, volume = {7}, issn = {1884-7382}, url = {}, journal = {Indian Logic / インド論理学研究 (Indo-Ronrigaku-Kenkyū)}, author = {Nishizawa, Fumihito (西沢 史仁)}, year = {2014}, keywords = {Phyapa Website}, pages = {227--282}, }
  • @article{nishizawa_anyapoha_2014, title = {チベットにおける他者排除(\textit{anyāpoha})論の形成と展開 : 11-12 世紀サンプ系論理学の伝承を中心として — [The Formation and Development of \textit{Anyāpoha} Theory in Tibet: With Reference to the {gSang} phu Scholastic Tradition of Pramāṇa in the 11th to 12th Centuries]}, volume = {7}, issn = {1884-7382}, url = {}, pages = {227--282}, journaltitle = {Indian Logic / インド論理学研究 (Indo-Ronrigaku-Kenkyū)}, author = {Nishizawa, Fumihito (西沢 史仁)}, date = {2014}, keywords = {Phyapa Website}, }