Bibliographic Information for "Nishizawa 2014"
Nishizawa, Fumihito. 2014. “Chibetto ni okeru Tasha Haijo (anyāpoha) Ron no Keisei to Tenkai: 11–12 Seiki gSang phu Kei Ronrigaku no Denshō o Chūshin toshite [The Formation and Development of Anyāpoha Theory in Tibet: With Reference to the gSang phu Scholastic Tradition of Pramāṇa in the 11th to 12th Centuries].” Indo Ronrigaku Kenkyū [Indian Logic] 7: 227–82.
Relations of Nishizawa 2014 to works in EAST
- Nishizawa 2014 discusses the yid kyi mun sel.
- Nishizawa 2014 discusses the rnam nges shes rab 'od zer.
Bibliographic records for Nishizawa 2014
<mods xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""><titleInfo><title>Chibetto ni okeru Tasha Haijo (<i>anyāpoha</i>) Ron no Keisei to Tenkai: 11–12 Seiki gSang phu Kei Ronrigaku no Denshō o Chūshin toshite [The Formation and Development of <i>Anyāpoha</i> Theory in Tibet: With Reference to the gSang phu Scholastic Tradition of Pramāṇa in the 11th to 12th Centuries]</title></titleInfo><typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource><genre authority="local">journalArticle</genre><name type="personal"><namePart type="family">Nishizawa</namePart><namePart type="given">Fumihito</namePart><role><roleTerm type="code" authority="marcrelator">aut</roleTerm></role></name><subject><topic>Phyapa Website</topic></subject><relatedItem type="host"><genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre><part><detail type="volume"><number>7</number></detail><extent unit="pages"><start>227</start><end>282</end></extent></part><originInfo><dateIssued>2014</dateIssued><issuance>continuing</issuance></originInfo><identifier type="issn">1884-7382</identifier><titleInfo><title>Indo Ronrigaku Kenkyū [Indian Logic]</title></titleInfo></relatedItem></mods>
@article{nishizawa_chibetto_2014, title = {Chibetto ni okeru {Tasha} {Haijo} (\textit{anyāpoha}) {Ron} no {Keisei} to {Tenkai}: 11–12 {Seiki} {gSang} phu {Kei} {Ronrigaku} no {Denshō} o {Chūshin} toshite [{The} {Formation} and {Development} of \textit{{Anyāpoha}} {Theory} in {Tibet}: {With} {Reference} to the {gSang} phu {Scholastic} {Tradition} of {Pramāṇa} in the 11th to 12th {Centuries}]}, volume = {7}, issn = {1884-7382}, journal = {Indo Ronrigaku Kenkyū [Indian Logic]}, author = {Nishizawa, Fumihito}, year = {2014}, keywords = {Phyapa Website}, pages = {227--282}, }
@Article{east:29005, author = {Nishizawa, Fumihito}, title = {Chibetto ni okeru Tasha Haijo (\textit{anyāpoha}) Ron no Keisei to Tenkai: 11–12 Seiki gSang phu Kei Ronrigaku no Denshō o Chūshin toshite [The Formation and Development of \textit{Anyāpoha} Theory in Tibet: With Reference to the gSang phu Scholastic Tradition of {Pramāṇa} in the 11th to 12th Centuries]}, year = {2014}, issn = {1884-7382}, pages = {227--282}, volume = {7}, journal = {Indo Ronrigaku Kenkyū [Indian Logic]}, keywords = {Phyapa Website}, }