Bibliographic Information for "Nemoto 2008"

Nemoto, Hiroshi (根本 裕史). 2008. “チベット中観思想における時間論の展開—「刹那」の概念を中心に [Skad cig ma: The Problem of Time in Tibetan Madhyamaka Exegesis].” Report of the Japanese Association for Tibetan Studies / Nihon Chibetto Gakkai kaihō (日本西蔵学会会報) 54: 3–15.

Relations of Nemoto 2008 to works in EAST

  1. Nemoto 2008 discusses the yid kyi mun sel.
  2. Nemoto 2008 discusses the rnam nges shes rab 'od zer.
Bibliographic records for Nemoto 2008
  • <mods xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""><titleInfo><title>チベット中観思想における時間論の展開—「刹那」の概念を中心に [&lt;i&gt;Skad cig ma&lt;/i&gt;: The Problem of Time in Tibetan Madhyamaka Exegesis]</title></titleInfo><typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource><genre authority="local">journalArticle</genre><name type="personal"><namePart type="family">Nemoto</namePart><namePart type="given">Hiroshi (根本 裕史)</namePart><role><roleTerm type="code" authority="marcrelator">aut</roleTerm></role></name><location><url usage="primary display"></url></location><subject><topic>Phyapa Website</topic></subject><relatedItem type="host"><genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre><part><detail type="volume"><number>54</number></detail><extent unit="pages"><start>3</start><end>15</end></extent></part><originInfo><dateIssued>2008</dateIssued><issuance>continuing</issuance></originInfo><titleInfo><title>Report of the Japanese Association for Tibetan Studies / Nihon Chibetto Gakkai kaihō (日本西蔵学会会報)</title></titleInfo></relatedItem></mods>
  • @article{nemoto__2008, title = {チベット中観思想における時間論の展開—「刹那」の概念を中心に [\textit{{Skad} cig ma}: {The} {Problem} of {Time} in {Tibetan} {Madhyamaka} {Exegesis}]}, volume = {54}, url = {}, journal = {Report of the Japanese Association for Tibetan Studies / Nihon Chibetto Gakkai kaihō (日本西蔵学会会報)}, author = {Nemoto, Hiroshi (根本 裕史)}, year = {2008}, keywords = {Phyapa Website}, pages = {3--15}, }
  • @article{nemoto_---_2008, title = {チベット中観思想における時間論の展開---「刹那」の概念を中心に [\textit{Skad cig ma}: The Problem of Time in Tibetan Madhyamaka Exegesis]}, volume = {54}, url = {}, pages = {3--15}, journaltitle = {Report of the Japanese Association for Tibetan Studies / Nihon Chibetto Gakkai kaihō (日本西蔵学会会報)}, author = {Nemoto, Hiroshi (根本 裕史)}, date = {2008}, keywords = {Phyapa Website}, }